20140330-Ski Verbier (27 of 150)

Ski Verbier

Late March saw my move for 8 days to Switzerland to provide images for one of the high-end chalet and skiing providers; Ski Verbier.  I hadn’t been to Verbier before, but I will certainly be going back – what a stunning location; and great snow to boot.

Altitude Instructor and Ski Verbier Staff
Altitude Instructor and Ski Verbier Staff

The company already have a strong website and strong web present, but they wanted some specific images to complement this – not least a “feel” for the area, and some contextual images.

Shi Verbier Chalet catering
Shi Verbier Chalet catering


Supper - Ski Verbier style
Supper – Ski Verbier style


Welcome "Afternoon Tea"
Welcome “Afternoon Tea”

This is the sort of job that I really enjoy – some use of “off-camera” lighting, and other images using most techniques and a broad spectrum of experience.

Ski Instructor
Ski Instructor

Landscape images are tricky in the snow.  It is easy to get “blue” shades as cameras are easily tricked in such difficult lighting scenarios.  I was pleased to test my techniques as I am off to the Arctic for a month in the summer – so lots of snow and ice.

Ski Verbier Guest
Ski Verbier Guest

Usual trick would be to shoot at “Cloudy” White Balance, but I still prefer the freedom of shooting all images RAW and playing with the colour later – it’s all about the art, innit.

Some of the amazing piste
Some of the amazing piste
Chalet "Teddy Bear" and guest
Chalet “Teddy Bear” and guest
Some "kicker" work
Some “kicker” work
Wide and open pistes
Wide and open pistes
....and some art for myself!
….and some art for myself!

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