Party at the Cheesegrater!
I seem to be up and down the Cheesegrater (The Leadenhall Building) in London reasonably frequently – not so much that I’m recognised at the door, but at least I know which floor to go to for the social and entertaining bits (it’s near the top!) This time, I was again working for the events company “All About the Idea”, who are one of the go-to organisations if you want to ensure that your large event is well run and expertly supported.

This particular time was a simple enough party to celebrate the CEO becoming chairman after 35 years of service in the industry. But it was a no-holds barred sort of party (hence All About the Idea being involved). There were around 350 guests, a band, a fantastic caricaturist, and the best magician I have ever seen (have a look at his work – Daniel Reed)

The photography in the building is always a tough call, as it’s usually already dark, and the ambient light is often a sort of yellowish hue (great for atmos, terrible for photography), so I spent most of the time using flash to kill the ambient. Some nice effects though when you shoot the subject with daylight flash, and the ambient behind is orangey-yellow!

This was only the day after getting back from Norway – so my admin had to be good (well, it always is!) to ensure clean glass, and charged batteries….. Good fun though – I like these sort of events!

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