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The Tweed Run 2014

You often hear of these eccentric events that bring out some of the fun in the country that visitors to London must have found quite difficult to understand.  The Tweed Run is an annual event sponsored by Cordings; the tailor owned by Eric Clapton with that most glorious shop in Piccadilly.  It features a whole load of people who dress in tweed attire dating somewhere from Victorian times to roughly 1960.

Somerset House
Somerset House


20140517-Tweed Run-02120140517-Tweed Run-05320140517-Tweed Run-111  There are some brilliant costumes, and of course the bicycles.

Most of the bicycles have been tweaked to some degree, but others seem to have been made from scratch.  Fascinating!20140517-Tweed Run-34520140517-Tweed Run-20420140517-Tweed Run-171

I was shooting for Cordings directly through their marketing side to get a more personal snap-shot of the event.  I walked a very log way on the hottest day so far, to get to the various check-points, starting from Somerset House, calling at the Guildhall for tea and lunch at Russell Square.20140517-Tweed Run-176

Some jobs really are great fun!


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